Charcoal Bread Ovens

Published by Tom Burholt on

Charcoal Bread Ovens

This project is now completed! Thank you for your interest!

When we launched our initial bread oven project, we set out to support the Mother’s Union groups to buy 10 bread ovens. Thanks to your amazing generosity you made this happen. Your generosity for this project and, through some other support we had received, we have recently been able to support taking the bread ovens project one stage further.

Bread Ovens Bought

The head of the Mother’s Union groups in the refugee camp, a truly amazing lady called Namadi Silivian (she is the one wearing and orange and black dress in the photo), wrote to us and said they were keen to get business training, some higher quality baking trays and to set up community savings groups so that they could sell more of their bread and start to make a living for themselves. 

We were so impressed by the initiative, thought and passion for sustainability that we were pleased to be able to send around £1,000 to support this work. We were also pleased to be able to link up Lokose who is trained in business and community savings groups, and funded by PDH for the next 12 months, to help with this growth plan.

Creating micro bakeries within the camps will be an important step in sustaining the livelihood of families and generating positive change in the community. 

Donate to the Seeds & Tools project here.