Faith Community

Projects Delivering Hope is a charity that is founded on the Christian principles of loving our neighbour and always remembering the poor. If you are a person of faith, then please join us in prayer for our South Sudanese brothers and sisters that are impacted by poverty.

Food Shortage

Violence to cease

Kejo Keji Christian College

SMILE Children's Village

Please pray for all who face severe hunger. Pray that the current heat wave and frequent floods do not damage crops. 

Pray that the PDH Seeds and Tools Project is well supported so that those returning home can feed themselves again. Pray for the World Food programme and other agencies struggling to meet ever increasing needs. 

Pray too for the spiritual and emotional needs of the South Sudanese at this time.

Pray that the Kenyan led peace mediation between South Sudan government and its hold-out groups will result in peace in the troubled ‘hot-spots’ in the country. 

Pray that the disputes and fighting over the oil rich land between the South Sudan and Sudan border come to an end.

Pray that the Kajo Keji peace Conference held in March bears fruits of peace and harmony in the area.

Pray for financial challenges to support the college operations and the accreditation process with the Ministry of Higher Education.

Pray for the construction of the computer lab.

Pray that the new clinic at the SMILE Children’s Village provides health and healing, especially from malaria, for the children and orphans at the school, as well as for the surrounding community.

Church Families

If you are a church family in the UK, please do let us know and we would be happy to visit either virtually or in person to tell you about the current situation in South Sudan and the work we are doing out there.

Join our new Prayer Network

Throughout the year we will publish a list of prayer points via a link in our newsletter. If you would like to receive this email please complete the details below.

Donate to the Seeds & Tools project here.