Seeds Appeal

Published by Rachel on

Seeds Appeal

Seeds are the gift that keeps on giving year after year

This project is now complete.

Thanks to your generous donations, we have provided £8,500 to buy seeds and hand tools to help the South Sudanese refugees become self-sufficient again. 

Update – October 2021

At a time when food is scarce in South Sudan, it is great to see the Seeds Project delivered earlier this year, now bearing fruit! Below you can see just some of the people who have benefited from this project, and the positive feedback Projects Delivering Hope has received. 

Pena Moses, Farmer in Limi Boma
First harvest of his produce of white bold pea nuts
John Kariti
Weeding his bean garden
Peter Jekwat, Farmer in Limi
Winnowing his bean seeds after harvesting
Ngolija Simon
Prepares maize after harvest
Tongu Amos
Harvesting maize
Ngolija Simon
Sorting ground nuts before storage
Pena Moses, Farmer in Limi Boma
Weeding his garden of beans
Here are some quotes from some people who have benefited from the Seeds Project

“Thank you for the support for the first harvest of ground nuts. I’m expecting a bean harvest in the coming months and have ground nut seeds for the next season… may God bless the donors”,
Pena Moses, a farmer from Limi Boma

“I am happy I can get maize grains to feed my family and store some seeds for next planting season”
Kiden, a farmer from Gbongoroko, Kinyiba  

“I’m very happy for what has been done. I urge all those who have benefited to focus on sustaining what we have started….I am getting ready to prepare land by January 2022 and I encourage others to do the same if we are to realise good produce next year”
Tongu Amos  

“I have harvested my ground nuts and maize. I am very happy I will not need to buy seeds next year as I’m going to store some of my produce.”
Ngolija Simon  

Seeds Project – the background

Many South Sudanese refugees are returning home and we urgently need to raise funds to provide them with seeds and hand tools to become self-sufficient again.

As refugees in Uganda for the last 3 years, conditions have become more difficult with food rations cut by 30%. 78,000 people have now returned from Uganda to Kajo Keji in South Sudan and many have no support and have to rebuild their lives from scratch.

We want to provide families with seeds to grow Beans, Nuts, Casava and Maize so that they can plant them in time for the 2021 rainfall. We are raising money to buy the seeds, transport them to Kajo Keji and provide training to promote good farming practices.

Please help by donating!
Your donation represents a long term investment