Seeds for Life
Christmas Appeal
Seeds are the gift that keeps on giving year after year
Help us raise £3,500 to provide seeds & hand tools
This will enable up to 200 refugee families to return home to South Sudan
and become self-sufficient again

As refugees in Uganda for over 4 years, conditions have become more difficult with food rations cuts by 30%. More and more people are returning from Uganda to Kajo Keji in South Sudan to find their homes and land ransacked. We urgently need to raise funds to provide them with seeds and hand tools to restart their crops and become self-sufficient again.
We want to provide up to 200 families with seeds to grow Beans, Nuts, Casava and Maize so that they can plant them in time for the 2023 rainfall.This Christmas appeal follows the successful project which we launched in 2020 which you can read about here.