Who We Are
Our Mission
Delivering tailor made aid to the South Sudanese
Projects Delivering Hope is a Christian charity founded in 2018 by three friends with a deeply felt concern for the people of South Sudan, and a desire to put their faith into action in practical ways
Our focus is to establish and deliver time and cost bound projects.
The projects provide short term aid to help the South Sudanese support themselves in the long term. This includes practical items such as tarpaulins to provide shelter and bread ovens to enable thriving businesses. We run training courses and offer microfinance to small start-up businesses through our partner organisation, Five Talents.
We deliver these projects through local partners that we know and trust from our previous work in South Sudan, particularly the Anglican Church as they work in their local communities to bring relief.
Meet the Trustees

Chair of Trustees
Adrian is a Health Care Chaplain at Salisbury District Hospital in Wiltshire. He also leads ‘Quest’, a weekly group that meets to discuss the important questions about life and faith.
Adrian has worked with several charities to build houses in Mexico and deliver aid and training to the South Sudanese.
He is currently learning Bari, the language of Project Delivering Hope’s partners in South Sudan.

Trustee & CEO
Andrew is one of the founders of Projects Delivering Hope. He draws on his past experience as a project manager to ensure the smooth running of the charity.
He first visited South Sudan in 2007 when his church partnered with another charity to build a health clinic and he was touched by the plight of the people.
He subsequently spent 18 months working for a charity serving the South Sudanese before co-founding Projects Delivering Hope in April 2018.

Rachel is an industry leader in aviation, innovation and technology. She has worked in the Aerospace industry for the majority of her career delivering IT and change projects and serves on the PCC at her local church. Rachel also volunteers for a Christian flying charity (MAF) which operates in developing countries and, having first visited South Sudan in 2012, has supported the South Sudanese for several years.

Andy is a change portfolio director in a large financial institution with over 25 years experience in delivering IT and business change programmes. He serves on the PCC at his local church, and also leads courses for people who want to explore the Christian faith. He first worked with PDH on the 4 day business workshop in Moyo, Uganda in July 2019.

Cathie’s love of Africa started back in the 1970s with 2 years Voluntary Service Overseas in Nigeria, Cathie returned to Africa 40 years later in 2017 when she and her husband served at Kajo-Keji Christian College, in northern Uganda for 2 years. They both worked with the South Sudanese refugees during which time she set up “Friends of Kajo-Keji” to provide financial support to the College.
Meet the Advisory & Support Team

Jonathan Soro
Jonathan is the advisor on South Sudan, and is the Acting Principal of Kajo-Keji Christian College. He was formerly the diocesan secretary in Kajo-Keji.

John Rutter
John, along with his wife Cathie, worked at Kajo-Keji Christian College for 2 years between 2017-2018 as CMS short term partners in mission, when the college was in exile in northern Uganda. John continues to teach occasional modules of the degree course online from the UK.

Andrew Eustace
Andrew is an accountant by profession and is our honorary treasurer. He and his wife Karen joined the team visiting refugees in Uganda in 2023 and is passionate about supporting the children and young people in our projects.
Hannah Williams
Hannah manages the website.
All our Trustees and Advisors give their time and expertise voluntarily
Meet Our Partners
Projects Delivering Hope is privileged to partner with the following organisations

St Paul’s Church Salisbury regularly supports the work of Projects Delivering Hope through prayer and financial support on a project by project basis. http://www.stpaulssalisbury.org/
St James Church Devizes
is a Mission Partner of Projects Delivering Hope providing support through prayer and financial donations.
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) who fly us safely on our internal flights.
Five Talents are our Micro Finance partners and work with us in providing a community savings fund which is available to young entrepreneurs for savings and loans. https://www.fivetalents.org.uk/
The Diocese of Kajo Keji is our main South Sudanese partner. The Bishop and his diocesan staff are based in Romoggi in Kajo-Keji.