Thanks to the generous donations of our supporters we have been able to deliver many projects.


Current Projects

Smile Clinic Nurse

We are raising £1,200 to fund the cost of employing a nurse at the Smile Children’s Charity Village and Academy. They look after 400 children in the school and 40 young people in the training academy.

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Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

Many of the South Sudanese people who fled to refugee camps in Uganda to escape the civil war in 2017 are now returning to their homes. Rations in the refugee camps have been reduced to an unstainable level and by returning home they will be supported by the Diocese of Kajo Keji.

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Completed Projects

Smile Village Motorbike

This is Ivan. He is the deputy director of the Smile Children’s Charity Village in Uganda. When we visited in March he was cycling 15 miles each way to work through the bush on rough tracks. Thanks to some generous supporters, we have now supplied the Smile Village with a

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Home Vegetable Garden Project

This project is now complete!
An exciting new project to address the food shortage in the Ugandan refugee camps and equip young mothers from the diocese of Kajo-Keji with valuable skills of urban farming.

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Charcoal Bread Ovens – Phase 2

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Following the success of our bread ovens project in 2019, we want to provide a further 10 bread ovens to enable more people to make a living for their families by selling bread.

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Repairs to Kajo Keji College

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Thanks to your help we raised £2000 towards solar panels for Kajo Keji College to enable important education to continue. This was in addition to the £2,000 raised previously for repairs.

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Seeds Appeal

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Seeds are the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks to your support, we have been able to provide £8,500 to help the South Sudanese have a better 2021 as they return home by providing seeds, tools and farming training.

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Coronavirus Emergency Appeal

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Thanks to your help, we raised £10,000 to help the South Sudanese refugees in Uganda, providing much needed food, soap, hand sanitisers, masks and PPE.

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This project is now complete!

We raised money to buy and deliver 57 tarpaulins to the South Sudanese refugees to provide a waterproof roof for their mud huts.

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Charcoal Bread Ovens

This project is now complete!

We have enabled the Mother’s Union to buy 10 bread ovens and set up community savings groups to enable the women to make a living for their families by selling the bread.

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Women in Wellies

This project is now complete!

We provided 300 pairs of wellies for South Sudanese women working on a refugee camp in Uganda to grow vegetables for their families. The wellies protected their feet from ants, scorpions and brambles as they work in the fields for several hours each day.

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Donate to the Seeds & Tools project here.